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Fuel for stage 1 APR RS3s.

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There seems to be a bit of an issue with getting hold of V-power at the moment and Shell are, predictably, less than helpful when it comes to letting us know when some may turn up which is less than ideal when the RS3 is your daily driver.


I have the 99 RON APR map on my car and I've spoken to the guys who did it and they only recommend using V-Power and Momentum 99. 


What I was wanting to know was if worst came to worst do octane boosters actually work so that you could use some other fuel and make it up to the correct RON?


Thanks for any advice.




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Even though it is standard I like to run mine on V Power, I did have a chat with a few people about running higher maps on 95 and most said it would be fine as long as you did not push it, go easy on revs/boost drive it is D not S etc.


No experience with octane boosters but If I used one I probably wouldn't trust it anyaway and drive it sensibly so probably no point in the booster.


I live/visit parts of the country that don't have premium anyway so it has always been an issue for me. Switchable maps is the obvious solution.



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Octane booster would be ok short term. Esso Supreme 99 is a very good fuel as well. With my MRC tuned 8V RS3 V power was not great, maybe a bad batch but always found Momentum much better. That seems to have been echoed with my tuned M2. Didn’t seem to like V power but runs really well on Momentum and Esso.



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Didn't know Esso did a 99. 
Unfortunately there's no Tesco stations around here for Momentum.



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Octane booster would be ok short term. Esso Supreme 99 is a very good fuel as well. With my MRC tuned 8V RS3 V power was not great, maybe a bad batch but always found Momentum much better. That seems to have been echoed with my tuned M2. Didn’t seem to like V power but runs really well on Momentum and Esso.


Fortunately I've been able to find some 99 and Esso and Texaco stations which I didn't know was a fuel that either of them did so that was a good shout cheers!  :D


Shell are still failing to provide V power to what seems like most of the North West of the UK and their customer support is still just copying and pasting the same worthless drivel when they're asked about it - "It'll get better in the next few days..." It's been 5 weeks.  :angry:



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I’ve been using V power for most of my fills due to Tesco being a long way to drive. I have an Esso station just down the road and would like to hear people’s views.




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I’ve been using V power for most of my fills due to Tesco being a long way to drive. I have an Esso station just down the road and would like to hear people’s views.


I'd have no problem putting Esso in. Like you I don't have a Tesco close and it is Vpower on my doorstep but out and about I use Esso or Shell.




This was interesting but I am a fan of the detergents in the V-power especially in a port injected car and always found it consistent power and consumption wise. Couple of times I have used a tank of it to help an Italian tune on a relatives car that is run on the cheapest crap going. :D



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I didn’t mention that when my car was stripped at 19k to go built the pistons were super clean and I had used Shell 90% of the time, but alway E5 off some type.

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