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  • Valued Member
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  • LocationNORTH WALES

Hi all.

Car is RS3 2011 8P (66K MILEAGE)

Just had her in for a Haldex oil change at a local independent garage (well recommended because run by an ex BMW Tech). Had a phone call to say there is an oil leak from the diff unit (not Haldex) which looks to be coming from one of the shafts. There is also some play in this shaft (although there is no obvious noise or lack of performance).

They have suggested it may be the bearing and that they are not willing to service or strip down to investigate neither will anyone else do this these days, they advised complete renewal with a reconditioned diff would be the better option. 

I have tried to search for one but only seeing used ones around with varying mileage on them.

Any help much appreciated please!




    Elite Club Member

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It is pretty bad they say better to buy another diff if they don’t know if it a major issue or just a bearing. They lack of noise or performance issues is a good sign it’s not a right off. The problem these days is the horrendous hourly rates charged and the fact even a bearing could end up being a massive bill.
Do you know anyone mechanically minded who could assist if it looks straight forward in a Haynes manual?




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Was it a VAG specialist indi you took it to or just a good general garage?


I don't know much about the 8P but I don't think the back end changed much to the 8V. From the manual I have for 2014 on there are 4 oil seals, 2 outside and 2 on the input shaft. once you get access they seem an easy change. final drive probably has to come out for the shaft seals but a long way from needing replacement.


 Cant seem to post a page form the manual here


Get yourself on ErWin with your vin and get the correct manuals (about 8£ for an hour and you can download most things for your car) Audi not well supported as other VAG cars but most things there.


You need the manual for the dual-cluch gearbox, the rear diff is in there too

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