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RS3 won't start garage says ECU! Help?

- - - - - ECU Wont start

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Can’t remember exactly I have now given up until tomorrow when I have light.
I was something like ‘unable to connect to interface’ ‘-1’
Then said use settings to test. But when I went to test it it’s still saying unable to connect to interface




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I just measured the battery voltage whilst I remembered and I’m only getting 11.8v at the terminals. I don’t know if there is some monitoring circuit that won’t allow certain modules to fire up due to low voltage? Wouldn’t explain the non start when jumping it but I’m clutching at straws here now




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Replaced the battery and now can connect with VCDS only issue is there doesn’t seem to be any obvious faults.

Only one that stands out is
P0343 - camshaft position sensor - signal too high

I can hear the fuel pump priming so that would suggest that is good and now I’m gunna pull the sparks to see how they look. I would hope the garage would have checked this but gotta be worth a check myself




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Just found these faults On the auto trans too but both say ‘unknown error code’

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For info when I go on current DCTs there is nothing showing?




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Been doing some reading and seeing a lot on various Audis regarding the crankshaft sensor causing issues. Does the 8P have a crankshaft sensor or is this what they call the camshaft sensor?
Read that these mainly don’t throw faults unless the car is running which at the moment mine isn’t but could stop it as the ecu doesn’t know what position the engine is in to fire.
For the sake of £30 For a camshaft sensor which I have found from europarts I might aswell change it.
Anyone had similar issue with these or know if I’m wrong and it’s a crankshaft sensor I need and where the crankshaft sensor is located?

Edited by Stupher10, 12 February 2022 - 01:38 PM.



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It has both camshaft and crankshaft sensors.For the unknown faults have you tried the Ross Tech website.They should know after all they make the VCDS. 

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Any idea where abouts the crankshaft sensor lives on the 8P seem to be able to find info on every other Audi apart from the RS3. I’ve got both sensors ordered to come Tuesday as I’m just clutching at straws at the moment.




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Raptor I’ve tried Ross-tech wiki but the issue is that VCDS isn’t giving me an error code to search for when I put in 10678 / 10680 they’re not recognised as fault codes? I think that’s a red herring to be honest anyway as I can’t see why that would stop the car starting.



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Raptor I’ve tried Ross-tech wiki but the issue is that VCDS isn’t giving me an error code to search for when I put in 10678 / 10680 they’re not recognised as fault codes? I think that’s a red herring to be honest anyway as I can’t see why that would stop the car starting.

Has the ECU been property coded as it's paired to the immobiliser in the clock binnacle ?





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Everything seems good with the clone Dell, I even tried the old ECU to see if anything was different and I’m getting exactly the same issues. Beginning to think the ECU was never an issue.



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Had a crank sensor go on my old 2010 Black Edition S3.  For a while it would take longer to crank then catch and start, sometimes I could reset with vcds.


then it failed completely, vcds could not reset, , and it was game over, that car wa going no where, it had to be winched out of my garage and recovered,


was about £120  - £150 quid job if I remember correctly, fiddly, and under or behind something to access, but that was a 2.0l 4 cylinder TFSI .




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Cheers Paul. I have both sensors on order so hopefully they might solve the issue.
Whilst I’m at it I’m going to replace the spark plugs.
Does anyone know what size socket I require to remove them, thought mine would fit but think it’s too small.



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Cheers Paul. I have both sensors on order so hopefully they might solve the issue.
Whilst I’m at it I’m going to replace the spark plugs.
Does anyone know what size socket I require to remove them, thought mine would fit but think it’s too small.

18mm if my memory serves me correct or check what size when you get the plugs.





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Cheers Dell.
I’m hoping that by some miracle a combo of sensors and plugs might get her to fire up.




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Think I’ve ruled out the crankshaft sensor as when the car does crank I am getting a reading on the rev counter so that looks to be working. If the ECM relay is failing to work would that stop the VCDS from communicating or is that an output from the ECU to send signals to the ignition circuit?




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Send both ecu to the turbo unit ltd our address is on Google or our website.
Please attach your name and contact number with your return address.

Hi Ben,
Thank you for this offer but for now it shouldn’t be needed. I have opened a case through eBay for a refund of the dodgey ECU, as since then I managed to get hold of another ECU and that cloned without issue.

Only issue is still that the car won’t start but believe that has nothing to do with to ECU at this point.

Does anyone know what the car looks for on a start up procedure?




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Well I think I may have made a breakthrough and it’s pretty unbelievable!
The very thing I did was check the ignition system fuse and on the meter it tested fine. Was working on it again today and thought I’d recheck the fuses and again it tested fine on the meter. I think noticed some very small carbon build up on the spade. Put my meter on that and nothing! As you can see by the pic below.
I then swapped this fuse with the on for the windscreen wipers and there you go car fires up first time without hesitation!
Can’t believe the car has been off the road for over a month and spent 3 of those weeks in specialist garage and the culprit looks to be a bad connection on 50p fuse!
I am obviously happy that the car runs by my god this has been stressful.

Thanks again for the input and advice from you guys it has definitely helped me through the process of elimination.
Attached File  38F80DEE-64B1-4673-A43D-8FD439AD44A5.jpeg   83.87K   5 downloads



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Carbon on the spade was probably due to the fuse not being full home & arcing causing high resistance to the ECU.

Quite a common fault with the fuse fracturing & sending you up the garden path as I've had it myself with the HVAC on my old A3 3.2.

Glad you got to the bottom of it eventually 👍


Edited by RS3Dell, 16 February 2022 - 02:33 PM.




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Cheers Dell, only bonus for the car is she is now getting treated with new spark plugs and coil pack as they are on order anyway and the plugs weren’t in the best of states.
Only downside for me is spent a fortune on an ecu and getting it programmed which I probably didn’t need but ohwell. Aslong as I can get the cash back from the duff one that I got sent when I challenge it with ebay then I can suck up the other costs haha

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ECU, Wont start

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