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RS3 won't start garage says ECU! Help?

- - - - - ECU Wont start

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Evening gents,


I am need of some desperate help / advise.


Bit of information on the fault.

My RS3 8P decided it was going start car cranking but not firing. I got the AA out and they managed to get the car started but didn't really know how they just trying with a power pack on (even though battery was healthy).

once the car started I drove it to europarts to buy new sparks and coil pack thinking this was could have been the issue. Then again the car wouldn't start, AA out again, no faults codes, multiple jump starts and it randomly fired again.

Once the car was running I took it straight to a local VAG specialist. The car has been there 2 weeks and he is saying all the electrical side looks healthy but not getting Comms from the ECU.

He has quoted £2k for new ECU which are on back order so no idea how long will take to arrive.


just wondering / hoping someone might have had a similar issue and what the cause was hopefully not an ECU.


I have found a 2nd hand ECU and a place that will clone mine if worst comes worst.


Any help will be massively appreciated. 



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Sounds like it could be ECU. I had a similar issue on my 8P years ago. Went to pick my missus up, switched the car off. Went to start it and nothing. Got recovered home and spent days trying to hunt the fault down, checked relays, fuel pump etc and nothing. A few days later suddenly it was fine and never had an issues again. Mentioned it to the Audi specialist I used and he said he was almost certain it was an ECU issue. Usually more so on mapped cars as the ECU used to have to be bench flashed initially, given the ECU location water ingress could then an issue later on due to the ECU not being sealed correctly again.

Edited by MarkMac-RS3, 03 February 2022 - 04:40 AM.




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Thanks for the reply mate, my car is mapped so yeah pointing towards the ECU.



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Thanks for the reply mate, my car is mapped so yeah pointing towards the ECU.

It will be interesting to see how it’s fixed. Who did your map?




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Car was mapped by Unicorn motor developments. 

It was mapped about 2.5 to 3 years ago now and has ran alright until now.


My next question unsure if there is any ECU wizards on here.

There is no RS3 8P ECUs anywhere. Is it possible to clone my ECU over to a refurbished TTRS ECU the Audi part numbers are identical apart from the last letter and the Bosch part number is a match apart from the last 3 numbers.



My Car

VW ECU part number - 8J0 907 404 M

Bosch Number - 0 261 S02 825


Refurbed TTRS

VW ECU part number - 8J0 907 404H

Bosch Number - 0 261 S02 791


Both ECUs are the MED9.1.2 Model. 




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Also found one with an Audi part number of 8J0 907 404 N (but underneath this part number it also says 8J0 907 404 M)

Bosch number is 0 261 S02 796



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Ttrs and RS3 8p are the same, if you get a ttrs ecu from a manual you may need to do some soft coding via vcds to change it to dsg.

I can code this for you, if you require help send old ecu and new I can transfer all data.





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I have RS3 ecu  if you still need one.




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Thanks for the info, I have managed to get hold of a TTRS ECU that is coming on Friday but not sure if it’s from a manual or an auto.
I have a place that can clone my ECU will this sort out the gearbox or will I still need to use VCDS?

Edited by Stupher10, 09 February 2022 - 04:40 PM.



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Thanks for the info, I have managed to get hold of a TTRS ECU that is coming on Friday but not sure if it’s from a manual or an auto.
I have a place that can clone my ECU will this sort out the gearbox or will I still need to use VCDS?

Tbh the place your using should be able to answer that for you if they can't don't use them.





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I haven’t asked yet.
They have said the ECU part number I gave them is compatible and will be able to clone it but I didn’t think of the whole gearbox issue. Forgot the TTRS had a manual option.
Hopefully it won’t be a problem I would think if they say mine can be cloned to that part number then all the info will be sent.




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Things just get better and better, the 2nd hand ECU came took it to the garage and there software can’t communicate with it! They managed to download the program from mine but won’t recognise this new ecu. I have returned it to the seller on eBay who now refuses to refund me the £700 as he says it’s been tampered with as they opened it up. Fully resealed before it was sent back. He is saying he is going to return the ECU to me. Can anyone recommend anywhere to look at this ecu in regards to fixing / making sure it works so I can then re sell it??



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Things just get better and better, the 2nd hand ECU came took it to the garage and there software can’t communicate with it! They managed to download the program from mine but won’t recognise this new ecu. I have returned it to the seller on eBay who now refuses to refund me the £700 as he says it’s been tampered with as they opened it up. Fully resealed before it was sent back. He is saying he is going to return the ECU to me. Can anyone recommend anywhere to look at this ecu in regards to fixing / making sure it works so I can then re sell it??

For the cost of postage send it to Ben@TTU as he be able to tell you if it's a dud or not & if not reflash the OEM 0060 software which is the latest one Audi released for out RSs.





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Thanks Dell.

BenTTU when the ECU is returned to me would you be willing to have a look? I will pay for the services obviously.
If that’s ok then send me a PM with your address and I’ll get the ECU sent over.

Thanks again for the helps guys! This is becoming a nightmare, cars been off the road for over a month now and no further forward.



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Send both ecu to the turbo unit ltd our address is on Google or our website.
Please attach your name and contact number with your return address.




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Thanks Ben

Once the ECU has been returned to me I will get them posted over to you and will drop you a message so you know they’re on the way.
Thanks again




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Even better still! I managed to get hold of an ECU and got it cloned from mine without issues this time!
Just got back connected it up and still no start…. The joys!
When I try to start the car it is cranking over but just not firing! Getting a error ‘stabilisation fault consult owner manual’ when the car is trying but failing to start.
I have tried to jump start the car and also tried a boost pack but still no start.
Has anyone one had a similar issue as I’m starting to think it’s not the ECU at fault here now.




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I also can’t get VCDS to communicate with the car either with the ignition on?



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Even better still! I managed to get hold of an ECU and got it cloned from mine without issues this time!
Just got back connected it up and still no start…. The joys!
When I try to start the car it is cranking over but just not firing! Getting a error ‘stabilisation fault consult owner manual’ when the car is trying but failing to start.
I have tried to jump start the car and also tried a boost pack but still no start.
Has anyone one had a similar issue as I’m starting to think it’s not the ECU at fault here now.

You need to get it scan to see what error codes are now coming up as they will help you pin point why it's not starting.




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I also can’t get VCDS to communicate with the car either with the ignition on?

What comes up when you try to use VCDs ?


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ECU, Wont start

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