Afternoon all!
I'll be buying a set of Bilstein B14's this weekend and i'm just after some advice on whether its a job I can tackle myself or not? I've had coilovers before but never fitted them myself, Is it an easy job on the RS? As far as i can tell, its just a case of removing a number of bolts and then the whole assembly comes off, do I need to support anything whilst these bolts are being loosened off or spring compressors etc?
Whilst i'm down there, id also like to replace any ball joints that are easily accessible which are near or connected to the coilovers as i'd like to freshen up anything I can, What do you suggest? The top mounts will be getting replaced for the Bilstein Febi ones on ebay but theres 2 different types for the RS3 8P that I can see, some look as though they have different bearings, which ones do I need?
Any advice on this / walk throughs / lists of what I need would be greatly appreciated on this 
I had B14s on mine before changing over to Ohlins,not a big job I just changed the top mount bearing with OEMs as the rubbers top mounts from what I've seen don't seem to deteriorate tbh.
Disconnect the the yew control switch on the passenger side wishbone, the ARB drop link from shock leg,loosen off the pinch bolt on hub, remove the 3 bolts on the top mount after knocking hub down while hold the slot at the back of the leg open.
I removed the discs & calipers as it's much easier to handle the hub & it helps to stop the drive shaft from being pulled off out the gearbox on the driver's side which is a right nightmare to refit 😳
I used a trolley jack under the wishbone ball joint to push the hub back up the strut leg while using a chisel to hold the slot at the back of the hub open as when removing.....You MUST have the leg perfectly straight into the hub when doing this or it will jam up !
If your replacing the top mount with new you can build up the front struts without the need for spring compressors.
The rear is much the same remove the inner arch splash guard to get access to dampen fixing bolts,jack under rear hub & remove lower damper bolts.... remember to remove headlamp levelling switch on rear wishbone passenger side as you will break it when pushing down to remove/refit the new springs,refit in reverse order.
Btw I've done this job on 4 occasions on 8Ps & aftermarket springs change on 2 8Vs.
Edited by RS3Dell, 12 September 2020 - 12:49 PM.