We are trying to finish the London scheme then start up here. Going quite slowly. In normal times we would have been out of it in 4 weeks.
Had the ground investigation reports back for mine which was fairly good - no need for piles (if we do the footings in the summer). The soakaway test was a disaster though. Looks like we will have to use a swale for the surface water into the nearest Fen drain - thankfully there is one at one corner of the site.
Sounds good!
Has the weather been decent down there? It didn't stop raining for about 3 months up here and we never got an opportunity to get our outside rendering done as it was so wet. Then since lock-down, the sun has been out every day and everything is as dry as a bone - ah, the irony!
Hopefully the ground will be nice and dry for you to get the footings done. Avoiding piles (either type
) would be good! Swale could be quite a nice feature, as well as practical, I'm guessing.