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  • Valued Member
  • PipPip
  • 200 posts
  • LocationHastings, East Sussex

Chris Knott Insurance - PRE-SPRING OFFER

Have you ever considered buying a Dash Cam?
Good news if you get a CAR insurance quote from club sponsor Chris Knott by the end of March - you'll be entered in our draw to WIN a Nextbase 522GW Dash Cam with rear-facing camera module and Sandisk 64Gb microSD card (all worth over £200).
In fact we'll even include you in the draw if you get a HOME insurance quote instead. Or you can have two entries if we quote you on both.
To see how much you could save on your CAR or HOME insurance through this club please call Chris Knott FREE.
QUOTELINE: 0800 917 2274 - you'll get your quote quicker if you call us when it's convenient to go through details.
Before you ask, no I'm afraid we don't offer any further discount if you have a Dash Cam installed. However, you will have the evidence you need should you be involved in a liability dispute with another driver following a claim.
We love car club members and enthusiasts - give us a call.
"I use Chris Knott for all three cars. I am very satisfied and the service is top notch and stress free. Thanks." The Panda Nut, FiatForum
"Having seen their sponsorship of this forum I decided to try CK for the SLK280 I collected today - and they beat every other quote by a 3 figure distance!" chrishazle, Mercedes-Benz Owners Forum
"Just insured my E89 with Chris Knott nearly £100.00 cheaper than the BMWCC very happy indeed." Rob T, z-roadster forum
"Again, credit where credit is due... changed my car (again!) recently and rang up, new car swapped over with no fuss and at no additional cost. Cheers." Turbodave, Volvo Owners Club UK
"Shout out for Chris Knott by the way. Always very helpful when I've been on the phone to them and a very good price." Major_Sarcasm, BabyBMW dot net

CHRIS KNOTT INSURANCE - the right choice for AudiRS3OC members :
QUOTELINE: 0800 917 2274 (or 01424 200477 for mobiles) :: CLUB CODE: AUR-168

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