sad. go troll somewhere else.

Wee Project
Posted 19 September 2019 - 05:40 PM

Posted 19 September 2019 - 09:03 PM

You do know who Ben is?sad. go troll somewhere else.
Sent from my BBB100-2 using Tapatalk
Nardo RS4
Posted 19 September 2019 - 09:13 PM

You do know who Ben is?
Sent from my BBB100-2 using TapatalkObviously not.
Catalunya Red ,Heated rear window,Power steering,Wireless (with FM),Seat belts,Servo assisted brakes.Pneumatic tyres. Disc brakes.
Posted 19 September 2019 - 10:11 PM

Posted 19 September 2019 - 11:43 PM

I am no troll, just trying to help.
10 injectors has alot to do with my comment. Your lack of understanding has got your own back up.
DET is caused by heat and pressure. The problem is this engine has both. How would you resolve this.
Firstly you will need GOOD OCTANE, which is advised by Audi on the petrol cap 97ron +...Higher octane is alot more harder to ignite which is ideal for high pressure.
Cooling how can we cool the combustion chamber..I know direct fuel into the combustion chamber for cooling. I wonder what this engine is......DIRECT INJECTION. For good measure we will run 5 more in the inlet manifold, which also prevents carbon build up on the inlet valves.
I could go further into detail about several other components that will prevent det like knock sensors. But being an ex mechanic and building an EVO you are the man......I will apologises and just go back to my day job instead.
PS educate your self with DI engines this will be a big eye opener (as it was for me a few years ago).
Edited by BenTTU, 20 September 2019 - 11:47 AM.
Posted 20 September 2019 - 06:31 AM

I am no troll, just trying to help.
10 injectors has alot to do with my comment. Your lack of understanding has got your own back up.
DET is caused by heat and pressure. The problem is this engine has both. How would you resolve this. GOOD OCTANE advised on petrol cap 97ron +. Higher the octane harder it is to ignite to deal with high pressure.
Cooling how can we cool the combustion chamber..I know direct fuel into the combustion chamber for cooling. I wonder what this engine is DIRECT INJECTION. For good measure we will run 5 more in the inlet manifold, which also prevents carbon build up on the inlet valves.
I could go further into detail about several other components that will prevent det like knock sensors. But being an ex mechanic and building an EVO you are the man......I will apologises and just go back to my day job instead
no need to apologise if you did not make that arsey comment. (oh dear). that helps no-one. I am happy with my lack of understanding its done me well over the years.
building an evo, dont judge a book by its cover
2019 RS3 Saloon Sold
Posted 20 September 2019 - 06:33 AM

You do know who Ben is?
Sent from my BBB100-2 using Tapatalk
no. other than he was they guy who roasted another member who was doing their onw thing.
2019 RS3 Saloon Sold
Posted 20 September 2019 - 11:55 AM

no need to apologise if you did not make that arsey comment. (oh dear). that helps no-one. I am happy with my lack of understanding its done me well over the years.
building an evo, dont judge a book by its cover
The comment was not arsey, it was my way of saying you know best!
We all love these cars and information is thin on the ground. When ever I find something out and proven my theory I will share or help where I can.
Your comment about another thread, when some one is miss leading others and feeding them a load of crap it's not cool!
My daily job is the owner of the turbo unit Ltd with level 3 tech papers and engineering in turbochargers, we also do mapping ranging from stage 1 tunes to custom maps with uprated injectors, fuel pumps, wmi and so on. We are currently working on tuning a RS3 8vpfl with wmi.
Have a look around
Edited by BenTTU, 20 September 2019 - 12:09 PM.
Posted 20 September 2019 - 12:15 PM

The comment was not arsey, it was my way of saying you know best!
We all love these cars and information is thin on the ground. When ever I find something out and proven my theory I will share or help where I can.
Your comment about another thread, when some one is miss leading others and feeding them a load of crap it's not cool!
My daily job is the owner of the turbo unit Ltd with level 3 tech papers and engineering in turbochargers, we also do mapping ranging from stage 1 tunes to custom maps with uprated injectors, fuel pumps, wmi and so on. We are currently working on tuning a RS3 8vpfl with wmi.
Have a look around
My comment on another thread feeding them full of crap?? I would like to see that post?? You are an abrasive type of lad. Best you stop commenting on my posts if you have nothing productive to say. "I am engineer I know best", heard it all before.
I guess I am saying go away very politely, please and thank you!!
Edited by paulmc, 20 September 2019 - 12:30 PM.
2019 RS3 Saloon Sold
Posted 20 September 2019 - 12:32 PM

My comment on another thread feeding them full of crap?? You are an abrasive type of lad. Best you stop commenting on my posts if you have nothing productive to say. "I am engineer I know best", heard it all before.
I guess I am saying go away very politely, please and thank you!!
not you feeding them a load of crap, i was referring to you saying about me on another thread roasting another member.
i never said i know best i was just pointing out this is what i do for a living and owner, my advise to you was purely friendly not malicious in any way. But for some reason you got your back up acting you know best. i have explained why i mentioned the injectors and you can not come back and say i am wrong. As what i speak about is FACT if i do not know then i will listen and learn. (every day is a school day)
You are the guy who stated let me worry about DET(the attitude of i know best and every one else knows nothing) i explained that the 2.5tfsi engine does not suffer with this because of A B & C. It is a simple case of you have quickly realised i know what i am talking about but it has bothered you for some unknown reason.Please If you feel my comments about this engine and DET are incorrect, then please elaborate on this and back it up with some facts.
Posted 20 September 2019 - 01:19 PM

I was referring to the post where they guy built his motor for big power but has not got there yet. You deffo gave him a hard time which I felt was uncalled for and unnecessary.
A quick search online and you can find RS3 TTRs with det issues. I can’t post pics on here for some reason. The link below had det according to his tuner
I guess where I am coming form is every car can suffer DET for a variety of reasons. I agree new ecus and addition injectors (if they can correct under fuelling due to a primary injector failure, which seems common on RS3s) will minimise the chance but I don’t see the problem me worrying about it anyway?
I was not being a smart arse. I am just going through my experience. One of my last wee projects was 800bhp GTR-R35 which suffered from det. Took ages to get it dialled in properly. I have tuned every car I have owned, some myself (I have winols, kess, mpps etc) and some I use my file supplier and encountered DET and or timing being pulled on nearly every occasion. Granted its always been my fault for pushing the limits but thats all part of the fun for me.
2019 RS3 Saloon Sold
Posted 20 September 2019 - 01:37 PM

Your reference to DET came across as an issue in general. People who have had failed injectors, run the cars for months knowing they have a fault despite the several warnings they have before hand. This isnt the engines fault it's the owners.
Again regards to that build, you obviously dont know the whole background to it all. I'm sure you will catch up as time goes by. So please dont judge me on that.
Posted 20 September 2019 - 02:27 PM