Thanks for giving me the heads up

Hi Guys, so I have some good news for us 8P owners... the 8V setup is more or less a direct bolt on! The only modification that was required was to bend the brake wear sensor plug arm up a bit as you will see below. Unfortunatly i cant give feedback as to what they are like as when i fitted the new rear brake calipers, both brake hoses snapped. However i sealed the system up and bled the fronts to check operation and i have a strong pedal feel even with air in the rear section of the system.
So, I will let the photos explain most of the rest but to start with, here is a nice before and after...
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Putting both discs face to face, you can see the offset difference between the 8P and 8V discs.
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With the 8V discs and 8 pots fitted, they fit absolutely perfectly central. Its worth noting that due to the way the pads sit, they simply wouldn't fit on 8P discs without an alternative adapter such as the one shown by T-800.
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There is ample space behind the 8V 8.5J rotors without a spacer, as there is only ET1 difference between the 8P and 8V 8.5J alloys, either will work but as T800 pointed out, I don't believe the 8J ones would fit on the 8V setup without a spacer or it would be extremely close to the wheel arms.
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One last image showing brake pad fitment
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Before and after with the wheels fitted... love the angle at which the calipers sit with OEM brackets!
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Hope this helps people looking at a brake upgrade, I will give feedback once I get the new rear lines fitted and the system bled as its not drivable at present. Round the block they bit nicely without any leaks at the rear, but the test was to ensure I wasn't going to be leaking fluid everywhere whilst I wait for the new lines.
EDIT: Forgot to add info about the modification to the brake wear sensor plug arm, it just required bending to 90 degrees.
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Edited by Arkious, 14 April 2019 - 08:10 AM.
On a slightly different note, I fitted the lower dogbone mount, wishbone bushes and anti lift kit. my car only has 35k on the clock and I was quite alarmed at how much the arms must flex under acceleration and braking!
Firstly, shoutout to Duke3D for the tip of using the jack to push the lower mount into the car, what a nightmare that was! First observations are that it has added ZERO NVH.
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Now for the bushes and ALK, photo showing standard setup.
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When I removed the removable side, I noticed just how much it had been flexing. I believe this may be what causes so much dive under harsh braking and possibly steering wobble under acceleration.
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New bushes and ALK fitted
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I will feedback once I get the car back on the road as to what differences its made. Steering seems much snappier even driving round the block at 20 so I expect great things. What a T*** removing the old bushes were! fair to say I mutilated them in the process, A press would have came in handy but persistence prevailed haha
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Those bushes are an absolute pig to do, that’s why I gave up and bought new control arms with the bushes already fitted
Got the car back on the road today and although they still need to bed in properly I’m quite impressed with how they feel. Pedal still has a progressive feeling but with a bit of a better bite to it.
Massive improvement to the cars performance with the rear calipers no longer binding.
Huge improvement to the handling with the new powerflex wishbone bushes and anti-lift kit. Steering is solid and snaps back to centre. Absolutely zero vibration on the steering wheel at any speeds, less than I’ve ever had and no NVH at all the which was a surprise! Overall a big improvement in all aspects.
cant wait to fit mine too. just thinking about installing the antilift makes me feel lazy, such a tedious work to do
RS3 2012, Daytona Grey - APR Stage 2
cant wait to fit mine too. just thinking about installing the antilift makes me feel lazy, such a tedious work to do
The passenger side is the hardest as you have to undo the bolts holding the subframe and ARB.
That gearbox insert you have there is the diesel variant which is softer than the yellow petrol version.
Which dogbone upgrade is that?
Edited by JayRS3, 19 April 2019 - 03:06 AM.
The passenger side is the hardest as you have to undo the bolts holding the subframe and ARB.
That gearbox insert you have there is the diesel variant which is softer than the yellow petrol version.
Which dogbone upgrade is that?
all of that i've removed them from my S3, the gearbox mount insert is the same as the S3 one, the engine mount somewhere i've read it could fit if modified, so i'll give it a try)
the red dogbone insert is the spulen one (they only come in red), so is the dogbone itselft (it has to be modified, milled down 10mm)
and dont worry i know the PITA that is to remove everything
RS3 2012, Daytona Grey - APR Stage 2
cant wait to fit mine too. just thinking about installing the antilift makes me feel lazy, such a tedious work to do
just installed all these, in conjunction with a deadset collar kit, and ARP bolts on the propshaft, the car feels amazing.
unofortunately the spullen dogbone didnt fit, the DQ250 dogbone is like 20mm shorter so that one didnt go.
and the engine mount insert, cant tell if it fits or not, or if its modifyable to fit, because i couldnt find a way to remove the engine mount, too complex to just attempt to fit the insert.
other than that, the rest fit fine and improved the car well as mentioned above
RS3 2012, Daytona Grey - APR Stage 2
Good to see you had the same results as myself... I love how well the car handles now, as well as the smooth as hell gear shifts!
Yeah I wasn't sure if it was possible to fit the engine mount as after comparing them on google images, they looked quite different.
Shame about the dogbone :/ should sell well on ebay though.
Have you noticed the top mounts creaking anymore? that's been my only negative effect, which im hoping to sort in the coming months
Edited by Arkious, 25 May 2019 - 09:48 AM.
When I had the 8P I bought these brand new
They fitted but you’d need a 4mm spacer when refitting the Rotors as the curve of the spoke as it meets the hub would catch the 4 pot caliper.
Don't seem to be very lucky with these BBK's as some might remember Broke a Vagbremtechnic Bracket on my MK6 R now just snapped a Adapter Bracket on my RS3 (Not Vagbremtechnic this time Polish website address on BracketI think) Brakes were already upgraded to the 8V 8 Pots when I bought the Car August 2018 so was wondering has anyone else had problems with BBK upgrades (or is it just my bad Luck/Driving) and also T-800 could you let me know where you purchased the Brackets you got from Tia.
Thanks for the reply Dell do you know if these are a direct fit? or anybody else using them from Romania also was hoping for someone closer to home but will give them a study over the weekend