So at 33k my Nardo RS 3 PFL was due an oil service and needed an inspection service at 38k.
I also needed new Front pads and discs…… ouch!!
Wear on the pads when inspected was 1mm before the wear sensor on the pads and discs were at 85-90% of their life (31mm thickness apparently) so after a bit of toing and froing and investigating all the aftermarket brake options, I let them replace with OEM pads and discs….. I know you are all going to say, should have got the Ferodo’s and fancy VAG or brembo/AP disks or such like, but……
The deal I eventually got was really good value with some other plus points.
As my car is not quite 2 years old, I am keen to keep it in warranty and not fall foul of any cock ups due to my own doing that could be a potential warranty problem.
I took the basic Service plan when I bought the car from new, and at £35/month I think is very well worth it.
That plan covers Service items, NOT Maintenance so always knew there would be additional costs over and above the services which are taken care of with the plan, but it seems having this ‘plan’ has made quite a difference in how they treat you and charge you.
Tessa - in the service department could not have bene more helpful – so big shout out to her for the excellent customer service I got.
I had the following things done at the recent visit.
Oil service – Normal cost £210 but was no charge, as I have the service plan!!! Yay
Inspection service – this was due at 38k.
They carried this out 4k miles early and was included as part of the ‘visit’ so no additional charge!! Yay
Tracking and Geometry were checked - all ok and nice to know no potholes had disturbed anything!
Tyre depths reported and a general heath check completed so again peace of mind and all is good with my much loved 3 ....
They replaced the pollen filter – for free yay!! I love free….
Hoovered the inside – I do not let anyone wash it but me
And now for the ouch bit……
Front pads and discs. £1129
I went for OEM parts (Wavy discs and OEM pads) fitted them at the same time, saving any doubt over warranty issues and great peace of mind.
On the subject of the brakes on our PFL RS3’s - I for one have been more than happy with the performance and feel of the standard OEM brake setup – I know there are better (so say) options from 3rd parties out there, but to get something like an AP setup is mega cost, and something for maybe after its 3 year warranty, when a mild tune along with new brakes would make a great upgrade.
My brakes have had a very occasional Squeal, but nothing that is not cured by a progressive hard stop from license loosing speed, or a power wash….. The brakes work well, do the job and look great and no reason to change for me, no doubt if I was tracking the car a lot they wouldn’t last, but I don’t and not intending to either.
The costs for Ferodo pads and AP disks (or other) high performance disks could be as much as £2000 without fitting!
You do the sums - and when you have to include all the sundries, bolts, lubricants, etc etc it still mounts up to a lot…….
I am sure one of you guys can get a competitive cost for the parts, but I do not have access to a workshop, or the time or inclination to do them myself, and want to keep the warranty valid and have no stupid stealer laying the blame on my work, parts or materials as the reason for a problem that they would just turn you away – sorry sir, not Audi parts or fitted by us, you can go cry in the corner sir, we have a special zone for those type of people……
I was impressed with the cost and list of parts apart from the pads and discs that were on the job sheet, I even asked for the old discs back, and were neatly wrapped and in a box in the boot.
And …..Another note here – the weight of them, bleeding hell, I was really surprised at the weight, not put them on a scale yet but will for my own interest, talk about un-sprung weight!! Was quite surprising……
I will have to copy the job sheet and post up here, it’s quite interesting to see the other bits you need for a brake change…..
So very happy, new wavy discs that sparkle in the sunshine, meaty pads with plenty of life and stopping power, free inspection service, pollen filter, oil service and all the service records up to date.
A good conversation with the service manager in the service department about run in period and bedding in technique for the new bakes, have done 230 miles since yesterday so would say that’s already done, pedal feels great, progressive and they work just fine…. For me.
Well done Bath Audi, finally got some satisfaction even though I had to spend £1100…. But all things considered well happy.
Edited by Oldmanracing, 19 May 2018 - 06:30 AM.