As only done 200 odd miles so far, hard to really do a proper review.
Compared to the 8P RS3 it doesn't look as mean so to speak from the front, but expected as its not an RS3 model?
The back-end however I actually quite like. 4 pipes excessive some would say, but goes in-line with the other s modes now. The RS3 back end should have come out like the new platform now. Oval pipes at either side.
Colour, Suzuka Grey was great, changed in different lighting, bright white in the sun, and primer grey when overcast, however Merlin Purple wins this was a pretty big risk ordering the colour without actually seeing it In the flesh. In the sunlight this colour is something else, really comes to life and happy I paid the extra for it, and can say worth the 6 month wait.
RS3 was at the end of the cycle for its model, and I actually had no problems with it, but the new model interior does feel a lot more fresh, clutter free and with added mono.pur it looks great.
The quilted SSSeats look great also a must option I felt.
So far not really done much in the car, taking it easy until about 1000 miles. What I have noticed is that it is never going to be the RS3 with its animal engine which was just amazing.
The noise as it comes through the speakers? Is just not going to compare to the RS3 so less said about that te better.
Ride/Handling - can't really say much as 200 miles isn't really given me much time in the car, but initial thoughts are can feel a bit floaty at times but changes slightly in dynamic mode.
Went for manual this time also, I just prefer the driver involvement really..s-tronic is also great and launch control! Was fun....
Overall - The Reason for moving to the s3 was a house purchase last year, and getting married. Tough choice but had to be done.
For sure the possibility of returning to the new model in a few years could be a natural progression, shall wait and see.
Over and out...