So what did we find, a 8p that had 2 stamps with 100k plus on. Body work is pretty good, engine not so great with rattles & clunks.
Today we got the RS3 up on the ramp for a full inspection.
We quickly learnt the gearbox mount was shoot, front discs, Flywheel, chain rattle when hot, lower cam cover leaking, coolant leak & the back box has a rattle.
So we replaced all oils, filters, fuilds, spark plugs and gearbox mount. We have decided to pull the box off over the festive season as work load atm just isn't viable for us to do this now.
We will be replacing the complete timing chain, guides, sprockets and flywheel.
We don't want to start tuning until it's in perfect condition.
More updates to follow.
Edited by BenTTU, 15 November 2017 - 09:29 PM.