My results achieved are for all to see. They’re in this thread in black and white. Timing slips and all. I have the run logs as well.Let’s stick to the black and white facts that what my car has achieved. Like it or lump it.... it happened. If you think I’m full of it, fine. If you think my car hasn’t achieved what I have said it has, fine.If you don’t like me, fine.If it’s any of the above why on earth are you reading this thread wasting your valuable time though?This is one of the threads on this forum that has one of the largest viewership. I must have a lot of haters. Some people need to relax a bit.... it’s only about tuning a car.
May be you should practice what you preach & chill out yourself instead of spitting your dummy out & slaging other people's RSs when you don't get the results you base your postings on ! 🤔