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Anyone fitted W.A.L.K. themselves ?

- - - - - Whiteline Anti Lift Kit

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    Elite Club Member

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Same design psycho did the TT arms then..


I mean god forbid they saw the issue and said,,, 'I know why don't we design the n/s arm mount so the bolt goes in from the other end where there is clear space to remove it'  Then the same penny pinching Audi bureaucrat who cancelled making directional brake rotors stepped in and said... 'No, no no, we can charge far more money to change them in the future by making it a major job.'

Audi RS3 8P 2011: Phantom Black, Retrofit genuine Audi black grille. Mods: Milltek Decat pipes, Bilstein B16 Coilovers with 034 Motorsport top mounts. Superpro front control arms, Powerflex Gearbox & Dogbone mount inserts, 034 Motorsport Rear ARB, 034 Motorsport Front & Rear Drop Links. Reyland 370mm front brake rotors.

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