Exactly do tell,and it looks like im not invited as you've only mentioned RS not S cars.
Of course we can s or rs cars will be good!, my brother will be comings along in his merc c63 wants to give the rs4's something to try catch

Exactly do tell,and it looks like im not invited as you've only mentioned RS not S cars.
Of course we can s or rs cars will be good!, my brother will be comings along in his merc c63 wants to give the rs4's something to try catch
That would be interesting to see,I'm sure the RS4 drivers won't mind giving the C63 a head start and still pass it.
I'd be up for that too. I'll keep Roy company on the drive up, (as long as he promises not to floor it and leave me behind)
You should be ok Viraje as Roy is using a golf buggy
Hasn't he had it mapped though?
The official RS3 Owners Club forum - www.audirs3oc.com
Shall we get a date set so everyone's got time to plan?
Do you guys want to do the same route as before but with somewhere better for lunch?
The motor museum was a good start point
If the route last time was ok for those that came along then we could start off at the Lakeland Motor museum again and grab bacon sandwiches.
Stop around Grasmere for coffee and to regroup then on to lunch rather than the few stop offs we had last time, Or do we still need those to regroup?
i still have the sheets I printed off so would these suffice rather than keep stopping?
If a photographer is being organised then this needs factoring in as a stop off.
For those that are new to this then here is the previous itinerary :
Starting at:
10am Sunday 13/04/14
Lakeland Motor Museum
Old Blue Mill
LA12 8TA
Coffee and a bacon sandwich to start off the day if you wish!
Set off 11am
Stop within Grasmere for a coffee LA22 9SJ after around 1 hrs driving.
Finish at the Kirkstone inn around 1pm LA22 9QL following 1 hrs driving.
The Motor museum only opened at 10am iirc on a Sunday but would an earlier start be better to limit traffic on the roads?
It'd mean we could be away for 9am perhaps but without any breakfast/coffee?
Now in fairness i'd suggest passing by the Kirkstone Pass Inn and finishing up somewhere better to eat.
Suggestions or feedback appreciated then we can move this forward.
The official RS3 Owners Club forum - www.audirs3oc.com
Yh an earlier start would be better then we can get a few more photo stops/regroup before lunch, a good stop off/ regroup point would be kirkstone pass before heading to a pub for some lunch
Latest set off could be 9.30am just so we avoid traffic, plus more time to enjoy the mountains/roads
I loved the rout last time was nice going threwthe towns and everybody taking photos and looking
which one was yours?? as i don't remember yours being there
which one was yours?? as i don't remember yours being there
The official RS3 Owners Club forum - www.audirs3oc.com
No......still nothing, I remember Steve, Vito, Andy, Nick, a blue S3, Glen in his blue one & of course meSuzuka with the plate that said GLEDSY
Edited by mrAudi, 25 October 2014 - 07:43 PM.
Toby are you losing your memory? The two young twin brothers, you don't remember them?
Toby are you losing your memory? The two young twin brothers, you don't remember them?